Epworth’s Holy Grounds
Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. -Isaiah 40:1
Sometimes, the best we can do is to find comfort. It might be a warm blanket, a familiar sweatshirt, or a cup of your favorite coffee. Our goal remains, and will always remain, to build relationships, one cup at a time. May we be a blessing in this time.
During our process of visioning, which became known as "For the Glory of God," we surveyed local businesses and community members. We realized that if you weren't looking for a church, no one knew Epworth UMC existed, even though we are located on one of the busiest streets in Valley City. These conversations led a group of leaders to imagine a way to impact our larger community. After a visit to Williston, the idea for Epworth's Holy Grounds was born.
A drive-up coffee kiosk located in our parking lot would be a great way to increase our visibility.
The funds to build and equip the kiosk were raised, including large gifts from our United Methodist Women and United Methodist Men. Epworth's Holy Grounds is staffed by a manager and 5-6 part-time baristas who would love to help you pick out your new favorite coffee drink.
Our Mission Statement: Building Relationships, One Cup at a Time
Monday-Friday: 6 am to 6 pm
Saturday: 8 am to 4 pm
Sunday: Closed
Email: epworthholygrounds@icloud.com
Phone: 701-840-8713